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Episode 17: Jeannette Wheatley – Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts

Carolyn Kiel | July 2, 2018
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    Episode 17: Jeannette Wheatley – Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts
    Carolyn Kiel

After Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, Jeannette Wheatley spent 3 years volunteering with a charitable organization called World Hope for their hurricane relief efforts in Louisiana. Far from her home in Michigan and with a broken shoulder, Jeannette shares why she traveled to New Orleans to support hurricane victims, how she inspired businesses in her hometown to donate funds and materials to rebuild people’s lives, and how her faith in God led her to hear the call to volunteer and experience miracles large and small.

Jeannette continues to actively volunteer and support charitable causes. She is currently raising funds to build a community well with Pastor David Akong’o in Kisumu, Kenya. You can contact her on LinkedIn or email at, or learn more at Pastor David’s church Facebook pagepersonal Facebook page, or Instagram.

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