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Episode 72: Emily Winston — How the perfect NY bagel came to California (an episode from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast)

Carolyn Kiel | August 5, 2019
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    Episode 72: Emily Winston — How the perfect NY bagel came to California (an episode from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast)
    Carolyn Kiel

This week I’m doing a podcast “episode swap” with fellow podcaster Heidi Bennett, the host of the Vibrant Visionaries podcast (and my guest from Episode 68 of Beyond 6 Seconds)! This means that Heidi is publishing my interview episode with her on the Vibrant Visionaries podcast, and I’ve chosen one of her episodes to feature here on Beyond 6 Seconds: her interview with Emily Winston.

While living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Emily missed the authentic NY bagels from her youth so much that she decided to make them herself, and dive head (and heart) first into opening a retail bagel bakery called Boichik Bagels in Berkeley, CA!

If you’ve ever had a craving for an authentic NY bagel, or ever had to figure out how to make your dream (or your business idea) into reality, you’ll really enjoy this episode from Vibrant Visionaries.

This episode was originally featured on Episode 17 of Heidi’s podcast, Vibrant Visionaries. You can hear more episodes of her podcast at

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